Monday, September 15, 2008

Timetable Assignment

Today I was given my timetable by the GB. I am teaching Primary 1,2 and 3. I have 4 periods in total. Primary 1C is at 8.35 AM till 9.00 AM. Primary 3A is at 9.25 AM till 9.50 AM. Primary 2B is at 10.00 AM till 10.25. Primary 2A is at 10.25 AM till 10.50 AM.

Classes start at 7.45 AM and ends at 11.40 AM due to Puasa. My timetable was given late to me due to the GB and her PGBs being busy with administration work. I also had to ask permission to leave school early today because I received an emergency call from my father related to my mother. I had to go to RIPAS hospital at about 9.30 AM due to her having a minor heart attack.

I should be starting class after the Hari Raya holiday where classes will resume as normal and will submit my lesson plan on the classes I have been given to teach.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

A New Beginning...

I've just started this blog due to me attending a course from MOE for 2 weeks (13th August till 30th August). I actually started my TP in school last Monday (1st September 2008) but there were no classes given to me yet. The Guru Besar and her assistants were out for a meeting at MOE for the whole day.

In conclusion I hope to be able to fill in this blog with as much information as I can gather for the duration of my course here in UBD.